Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hey There

Good Morning,

Wow it feels like I haven't been on here in forever. But I promise that I have a good excuse. I'll get into some of that in a minute.

I just want to say thank you to our new followers. THANKS! So moving on...

In the span of about a week or so I have decided to get a divorce, moved back in with my parents, discovered a little tidbit of interesting information about myself, and lied more than I have in possibly the last 2 years put together.

I will spare you all of the boring details. But I will let you know that I have since decided against getting a divorce. Well I told my SO that if he wanted me back he would have to come to my parents house and get all of my shit himself! ... I'm still at my parents house and I'm not trying to make this an easy transition for him.

Why no divorce? Well some things came up while I was away with a little venture that he had been entertaining for a while and I figure that it may just be lucrative for me to stay just a bit longer. Now I'm not a gold digger by any means. Shit after 5 years, a baby, and all of his drama... I deserve more than just half of all his debt if we split. Damn.

I may have a super secret that I want to let out in the next few days or weeks. It is sooo hard to keep but I'm just not quite comfortable yet with letting the cat out of the bag. Maybe a little encouragement from a few extra followers would help?
