Sunday, October 25, 2009
I am looking forward to this journey and what it has in store. Aren't you glad that you can be a fly on this wall!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
My Confession
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Hey There
Wow it feels like I haven't been on here in forever. But I promise that I have a good excuse. I'll get into some of that in a minute.
I just want to say thank you to our new followers. THANKS! So moving on...
In the span of about a week or so I have decided to get a divorce, moved back in with my parents, discovered a little tidbit of interesting information about myself, and lied more than I have in possibly the last 2 years put together.
I will spare you all of the boring details. But I will let you know that I have since decided against getting a divorce. Well I told my SO that if he wanted me back he would have to come to my parents house and get all of my shit himself! ... I'm still at my parents house and I'm not trying to make this an easy transition for him.
Why no divorce? Well some things came up while I was away with a little venture that he had been entertaining for a while and I figure that it may just be lucrative for me to stay just a bit longer. Now I'm not a gold digger by any means. Shit after 5 years, a baby, and all of his drama... I deserve more than just half of all his debt if we split. Damn.
I may have a super secret that I want to let out in the next few days or weeks. It is sooo hard to keep but I'm just not quite comfortable yet with letting the cat out of the bag. Maybe a little encouragement from a few extra followers would help?
Friday, September 18, 2009
Breaking News: Where is Our Country headed?
Afternoon honey I just read something truly and UTTERLY DISTURBING!!!!!!!
That's all I'ma say.... well actually let me say more to fill u in:
OK...There's this guy named Rush Limbaugh who has a radio show and he was speaking on a specific topic involving an incident where a Caucasian boy was beaten by two African American students on a school bus. Basically a school fight broke out on the bus 1 day after school.
The police stated that this was not a racially invoked incident but of course Rush Limbaugh being a very conservative, VERY Republican, Jim Crow Minded, Pompest BIGGET thought otherwise.
He feels racism is inborn just as some individuals think homosexuality is inborn. He argues if people can accept homosexuality why not accept racism as well....SMH....
U know the truly disturbing part about that so many people we encounter in our everyday lives secretly have minds like this. I question a lot of people I encounter nowadays...
Click here for the full story including audio clip from his radio show
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Behind the Glamour Life
Wow little Judy from Family Matters gone wild! I am going to have to be EXTREMELY careful getting into this music/entertainment business b/c Hollywood glam is not really what the cameras portray it to be. Be sure to catch Jaimee Foxworth on “Life After” this Sept. 20 @ 10pm on TVOne where she will discuss her personal role and the events which led to her involvement in the Adult Entertainment industry.
Click here for a sneak peek.
And my girl V recently showed me a clip from Maia Cambell while she was on drugs and into it really got to me. These r beautiful women..its sad how life behind the glamour can really take a turn for the worst...
Click here for more
catch ya l8tr 4 now!
Out with the OLD... In with the NEW...
Yeah I have been MIA for a bit but I'm back.
Last time you heard from me you discovered that Hazel G and I were caught out. Well he''s still in his hometown right now talking things over with his parents and just clearing his head...but through it all we have still been keeping in touch. I even saw him 1 night unexpectantly after work before he left for Baltimore...long story.
When everything happend, I ended up having a mild mental breakdown. I was emotionally depressed. Mentally empty. My heart ached. I wasnt able to eat or sleep really tore me up. Hazel helped lift my spirits basically begging me to believe him when he says nothing is my fault. He said the situation was bound to happen.
So NOW I do feel a lot better about the situation. I've prayed on it...He's been praying on it and basically, we are moving on with our lives. That's right OUR lives.
I'm not sure what to call our relationship yet b/c he's been treating me like I was his girlfriend bck when we first met but now he is actually free! Im not jumping into anything right away...well hell Im already in it I guess wht I mean is that I am going to plan my next moves with Hazel G very carefully. Take precaution.
How does he feel about everything? Well He felt the discoverment just helped break him from the bondage with old girl. He seemed to take the official breakup quite well. So...I guess now we are preparing to start a new life...with each other. This is defintley going to be hard starting out but we'll see where the road will take us.
Am I scared? Hell yeah
Am I a little skeptical of everything? Absolutely
Do I trust Him? Surprisingly yes b/c despite everything we've gone through...he has remained by my side and protected my name. He puts me first. He confessed his Love for me to shawty girl and even to his family and loved ones...He is really stepping up to the plate to show me this wasn't a sex thing, this wasn't a lover thing...this was a TRUE LOVE thing as he quotes.
I still feel sorta-kinda guilty to pursue a relationship with this man but then again I don't anymore b/c you can't help how your heart feels. I guess I feel guilty for stealing the heart of another woman's man...AGAIN...not my fault! This wasn't planned.
Well only time will tell where this will lead to. He feels I am his soulmate. Lets see if he is willing to do what it takes to keep my trust...
I must say this must be love (like Jennifer Hudson said... If this isn't Love, tell me what it is.... )
cuz I have never felt OR done anything like this in my life!
QUESTON for the public: Am I wrong if I pursue a relationship with his man?
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
This CHIC again..Part 2
So we was having our cookout and stuff in the backyard...When we went inside and began to eat...someone took a look outside and the DAMN cat was in my backyard YET AGAIN!!! This time I went and got the broom...and ran outside swinging..
WELL this chic next door is outside and has the nerve to say "Thats my cat" BITCH I KNOW..You have asked to get it out my yard, you have broken in my gate, and I have seen you outside with this PUSSY before!!! BITCH I KNOW its your cat...
AND FURTHERMORE...IF you stupid ass is standing outside why did you let the cat climb the damn fence into my yard to start with....I don't care thats it your cat..I will KILL IT!!!
(sorry I didn't say all that, I was just venting to you)
What I said to her was..."I know, but YOUR CAT has been going to the bathroom in MY YARD" and I continued to try and smack the cat with my broom...The PUSSY ran up under the fence through a tiny hole by the gate...(that the ladies damn dog has dug).
I go over and cover the hole...with a brick..THIS CHIC gonna say "Thankyou" Like I did her a fucking favor...BITCH kiss my ass and shut the HELL up!!! (Yes, I felt just like that...ya'll know what I done been thru with her)
OKAY the next morning...This CHIC got the nerve to try and apolo-Lie when she see me in the parking lot...CHIC, I am running late for work, and if you meant it you would have said it last night when we was both standing outside...WHATEVER>>>you just trying to say something cause both of us are outside (parked beside each other) and getting in our cars at the same time...CHIC, save your breath...I am OUT!! You are on my damn LIST!!!!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Thanks for covering for me...
Just to fill everyone else in, yesterday I was all caught up and out in the open. I called in late for work and my boss and SO was searching for me! I mean seriously. I almost got caught in a few lies. I try hard not to lie in the first damn place(you know that Bitch Karma is crazy), but I sure as hell was not about to get caught up in a situation that I’m not yet ready to explain.
The situation, well let’s just say that it was worth all of yesterdays DRAMA! Now if I can only lay low and keep out of trouble and under the radar. We’ll see how that goes.
In other news…..
Did yall see what Serena Williams told one of the judges at her latest tennis match? She was Gangster. The next person to piss me off will hear
“I swear to God, I'm fucking taking this ball and I'm shoving it down your motha fucking throat."
Click here to read what happened
I am nominating that as the quote of the year!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Again, this chic....
THIS CHIC, has 2 damn dogs and a cat...As I think I discussed previously..Well on Sat morning, I was in my backyard cleaning up (cause my parents were coming to visit) and we are having a cookout on Sunday. Well I noticed the wood chips had been moved around, it looked like small sections missing.. So I went to move them back into the little spaces..I'm thinking one of my kids was outside playing...Anyway..I drag my foot across and shuffle the chips around..As I begin to walk away I feel like I am stepping on something like something is attached to my shoe..SO I get to my patio door and look down under my shoe.................................
I am furious..Now remember before I told you the lady asked to come get her cat out of my yard, And I also think the lady broke into my gate once before to get her cat so I had to replace my locks, NOW I know why the little PUSSY kept comin in my damn yard in the first place....
SO I immediately take off my shoes and hobble my steaming butt, out the front door and went and knocked on my neighbors door...I know this wench heard me cause her damn dogs were barking and standing in front of the door..SO I banged for about 5 this process..the dogs had stopped barking (obviously she came to the door). But this wench neva opened it...OOOOK For realll...You see me and ignore me...OK!! I got it...
I hobbled my even more enfuriated (sp) ass into the rental office which is only 2 doors down...(still with my funky shoe in my hand) and filed a complaint about the ladies cat..........
How about the rental office didn't even know the wench had a cat...>>>>>HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Got ya WENCH!!!
So while I was at it, (and since she had pissed me off) I told them about how she be having her music loud at night and my kids be trying to sleep for school, I told them how I had to knock on her door before to ask her to turn it down, and I also told them how her dogs be barking all the damn time, and that she is living with another lady (in case they didn't know that )... I mean she do live in a 1 bedroom.
I mean, for real, I ain't no
BUT the lady should have just answered the Damn door and it could have been resolved...WELL she PISSED OFF The wrong Damn neighbor!!!
There's more...but like "V" and "S"..I shall continue later.....
( I want ya'll to wait to read my stuff too..(giggle)...!)
Sunday, September 13, 2009
What You Do in the Dark...Eventually Comes To Light
This is a somber day for me honey bunches. Y?
Well I have to fast forward a bit of Sasha's Confessions to explain.
2day Hazel G and I have been discovered. Our Secret Love is now out in the open.
WHO discovered us? If you guess Ms. guessed correct!
It all started yesterday as I traveled out of town for a recording session. Since the studio is located nearby Hazel G's hometown, he asked if I could meet with him before heading back home.
I agreed but this encounter was not sexual at all guys. In fact me and Hazel G has gone through a lot 2gether in such a short period of time that we became more than lovers...we were best friends. We shared so many experiences 2gether that we would talk 4 hours & all those who really know me, know that I am NOT a phone person. But He is the only one I would talk to for long periods of time via phone.
n-e-way, I ended up cutting him off again as you'll later learn which tore Hazel G up inside again. He even revealed his dilemma to his father when seeking advice on how to cope with his loss. SO he wanted to talk to me in person once more. During this talk he expressed how he wants to be with me but needs time to sort things out at home. His son is his WORLD and if he ends the relationship, miss fiance would keep him from seeing his son. This was the big reason y he hasn't packed his things and left her yet...because of his child.
So I decided I would give him time to clear his through the situation after praying on it, and if its truly meant to be, I would wait for him...You can already tell that yes I have fallen in Love with him as well...
Anyway, today I awaken to a text message from Hazel G, stating that his lady hacked into his computer last nite using his passcode & discovered all the emails he sent me.
She saw the love poems, the songs he wrote about me...even pics of himself that he sent me. They got into a huge argument & he is texting me now saying he is on his way back to his hometown in Baltimore....
I feel so awful. He tells me not to worry b/c it was bound to happen anyway but I really feel guiltily for being the center of his affection which led to this fiasco. I pray that everything works out for him but I am also afraid of where this path will now take us. I don't think I can forgive myself if I am the blame for ruining his happy home despite how UNHAPPY it really was.
He's calling me now to try to calm me down but its hard when your mind is consumed with so much guilt and your heart is compressed with so much love for the same person.
IDK. Hazel G always told me that everything happens for a reason.... Well I'm a little curious & nervous to find out what that reason really is...
(V & J if my mood is a bit dwn 2mar @ work...u'll knw y...)
Friday, September 11, 2009
All Smiles ...Cheese
Well I didn’t get any good sex exactly...I was more like good mind sex. I had my mind blown last night. And let me tell you, our conversation got so deep, so passionate, so everything that I have been missing for so damn long that having a physical orgasm would have only come second to this emotional orgasm I experienced.
If you are wondering if this was with someone other than my SO, the answer is yes.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Confessions (Part V): Showtime!
Good day Honey bunches of oats!
So r u ready for more of Sasha's confessions? Lets do it!
Its now the day of the big show & I'm extremely nervous! I cut bck on talkin to Hazel G big time afta that intense moment in my car & learning that he not only has a girlfriend but a fiance!
In fact I told him I had to stop talkin to him b/c it wasn't fair to his fiance or myself. Even though he insisted that the relationship was real bad between the 2 & that the only reason he stayed w/her was for the sake of his child, it still wasn't right. And excuses r excuses in Sasha's world. SO for a few days he texted & called me but I would simply ignore them, hard as it was.
But I eventually broke my silent treatment & explained y I was avoiding him. He told me he got engaged several yrs ago when he was younger but they never made any official wedding plans b/c the relationship grew bad...they constantly had problems, and he was having 2nd thoughts about it.
Ever since we stopped talking, he tells me he hasn't been able to sleep, think or work clearly ...he couldn't even focus in the studio w/ his production company since I cut him off. He said that he must see me after the show at least 1 last time to discuss things in person. I agreed...not realizing that this last encounter would be the most memorable experience between us as you'll later discover...
So its almost time to hit the stage & I am nervous as hell but excited at the same time! It's stormin real bad outside & everyone frm the paparazzi, camera crews, fans, artists, and performers r all going crazy in an attempt to get their shine on @ the red carpet.
SO it was almost time for my 1st number & I happen to see Hazel G & his fiance sittin out in the audience.
"Oh God, how can I perform when he and his girlfriend r sitting rt out front!" I thought.
I feel sick to my stomach now. But too late...the curtains going up, lights flashing, music has cued...time to forget about everything else & work my magic on stage. After all, every true performer knows that no matter what...the show must go on.
SO I hit the stage for my 1st scene and rocked it! I then hurry back to change in preparation for my next scene when I noticed Hazel G is now no where in the audience. I see his girl but he's disappeared...hmmm "oh well" I thought. We continue on with the show....
Meanwhile my biggest scene of the show is coming up next, so I take my position backstage....still no sign of Hazel G. As the music cued, me and the other dancers lit up the stage, I mean truly killed it! I had 1 solo spot which I freaked!
I dint think about anything was just me and the music. Ms. fiance stared at me intently as I moved but she was still sitting solo. Meanwhile the crowd went wild as I danced my solo! It was a truly gratifying moment!
After everything was over, I felt so much better! I dnt know what happened to Hazel G but at that point, I didnt care! Hell I had gone thru enough unnecessary emotional roller coasters with this dude. It was time to suit up for the after party! Haaayyyyyy!
So I change clothes along with a few other girls & we hit the afta party. When I entered the club rm, there were so many producers, artists, and directors approaching me asking for my contact number so that we can collaborate on future projects. I was so thankful for such an opportunity.
As I'm talking to 1 of the producers, I notice Hazel G enter the party still solo.
He glances over at me, sees me talking to this guy
&walks away. Hmmm...guess he has to keep a low profile 4 the public. I can dig it. Whatever.
So after dancing to a few songs & minglin a bit more, I feel my phone vibrate. Its Hazel G.
He tells me he snuck into the WESTIN hotel across the street & used the bathroom just to sneak on his phone and call me. (He a trip) So I discreetly exited the rm so I can hit Hazel G bck in private after trying my damnest to play it off to get rid of the people who were on my bck wanting me 2 stay. It was like a James Bond Double 0-7 Mission Impossible task!
But finally I exited the party and proceeded to check into my hotel rm for the night.
As soon as I reach the rm, my phone rattles again...Hazel G.
"You kno u was looking real sexy out there tonight" the msg read
"Thanks. Didn't know u saw me..U disappeared @ 1 point" I typed bck.
"Yea I had to get up. U was gettin me so hard @ 1 point while I was sittin next to shorty. I didn't feel like arguing w/her so I got up to go get myself together "
"Plus I had to check on sum things bckstage" he wrote. "But whatchu bout 2 do now?"
"Check in my rm" I reply..
" O yea...So whatchu gon do in that rm?" he replies.
"What would u like for me 2 do in this rm?"I hit bck.
"Funny u should ask...Im bout 2 show you..." he states.
And then I heard the knock @ my door....
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Back to it really this hard??
So now that I'm back.....Let's chat!
I have recently decided that I wanna go back to school right.,,so Okay Honey..I have filled out the app, and spoke with the admissions people..Now I gotta fill out the Fafsa form (financial aid for those who ain't know)....Did that.....then I got "RANDOMLY" selected to have my income verified (Bullshit)..SO I had to fax over ALLLLLLL my Income tax return papers from last year..Then I had to refax something cause it didn't go through.....I mean DAMN..How much stuff do you need!!!
SO after I finally got approved for Financial Aid, and I got my award letter....THEN I had to fill out 5 more forms online..and take a Financial Aid Loan order to get approved..I have neva heard of such...IS this for REAL????....I was like GEEEEEEZZZZ...Has classes already started and is this my first assignment..Am I Gonna get a grade???
Okay I filled everything out...after this whole 4 day process was over (which included my birthday) I got my Acceptance email into the school..YES I am just getting my acceptance into the school...SO I'm ready to get my class schedule and get started...NOT!!!!!!!!!! Now, I have to take placement tests for English and Math...WHAT THE HELL??? I took all this before in school..this is not my first time in college....can you please tell me why I have to do this crap again?
I'm just like WHAT DOES iT Take Nowadays to get into college?..Does the class start before you get a schedule cause I felt like I was already in class tryna complete my first assignments...Damn!!
So I got my transcripts faxed over to show I have been in school before..already taken this stuff...Now I'm just waiting to see if I still need to take some placement tests...Let's hope I don't cause me and MATH just don't work well together....(unless I'm counting my Well wish me luck.....YAY!!
Lately my life has been very monotonous. Just plain boring. It has come to the point where I am literally craving some drama. Something! I mean yeah, I have the normal spats with my Significant Other (SO), but after 5 years we discuss/argue about the same ‘ole Shit. Who pays what. How much the other spends. What you don’t do at the house. Your mommas attitude. Why our son is soo spoiled. Who ate all of the left overs, drank the last of the half of bottle of wine that I was planning to down after work, and smoked all the Green Good (I mean u couldn’t even leave me a lil roach?). Damn.
So yeah, small arguments, big arguments; we have had them all and they don’t change a bit. I sometimes feel that my SO purposefully picks these fights with me. I’m at the point where I sometimes completely ignore SO’s spiteful comments. It’s at those times where I’m thinking ‘What is the Fucking point?’
I’m slowly realizing that there is none. I’m starting to drift away. I wonder if SO notices. I wonder if SO secretly feels the same way. I wonder if I do drift, just a little, will I be able to turn back. Will my SO still be there?
So many questions. Very few answers. But one thing is for sure. This ship is about to set sail.
Sasha's Confessions...Cont'd
Hey Honey Bunches!
I know its been a bit since I last commented on my secret love life but haven't been feeling too well lately. But without further ado, here's the rest of Sasha's Confessions...
...So it turns out the headlights was just from a car who made a wrong turn....they simply popped a U-Turn and headed in the opposite direction. Whew! That was close!
But that didn't stop Hazel G...oh no! Homeboy was not finished with me just yet!
All I can remember next is being flipped on my back, pants now completely off and seeing Hazel G's face buried completely between my legs. Now normally I don't even expect to get my kitty licked b/c lets just say...well I've had bad/painful experiences in that department. But if I knew it could feel like this, Lord knows I woulda took auditions to get it done rt! lol
I mean this man did things with his tongue and licked areas on my body I swear may be outlawed in sum countries! He had no fear whatsoever!
His thick warm tongue massaged my entire pearl, secondary lips and even ventured on down bck to the nether! (forgive me if this is too graphic...I like my readers to have a visual perception)
OMG! He was really turning me out! I grew so wet & dizzy frm all of the activity that I didn't even notice when he slid rt bck inside me. All I can say after that was...if people happened to walk by, they got an eyefull, cuz my truck was doing the rock away big time!
Good thing my windows were tinted and fogged, but the way homeboy was scooping me up and twisting my lil ass body (Im very petite for my age), I am sure someone caught a glimpse of my foot hitting the window or a shot of his hands smacking up against the glass here & there! I mean we were REALLY gettin it IN! But something told me to stop. Yall know what it is. That harsh reality set in from a guilty conscience and I suddenly JUMPED UP!
I know what you're thinkin:
Y stop afta going that far? Maybe you're rt, but thats how crazy my mind was while being in the heat of the moment. I can still refrain from continuing even afta Ive gone a certain level. Not to mention that a whole hour had passed in the midst of our activities & I did have to get home before it was too late. So I stopped him grabbed our clothes and kissed him goodnight. Before I pulled off he stops my car, motioning for me to roll dwn my window. And then he said it. The words I feared would come out:
" I want you to have a safe trip home, be sure to call me. Have a great night and ....and...I Love You"
I was actually speechless...I pulled off afraid to look into those mesmerizing eyes...
Okay guys, remember in my earlier post when Hazel G and I were spotted by our director that 1st night we met? Well Ms. Boss Lady never mentioned the encounter but she did happen to throw a lil salt in the game as a msg for me to bck away. At least that's how I took it. See boss lady ended up using me as 1 of the choreographers to teach the other dancers routine for 1 of our big scenes of the show! So she took me under her wing (sorta speak) & arranged for me to stay the entire weekend instead of driving bck home afta rehearsal. She wanted me to teach as many girls as possible including doing 1 on 1 workshops...basically she had me doing HER job b/c she was HIRED as the official choreographer of the show but waited till the LAST MINUTE to create material. Now she has me filling this position!
Anyway 1 day before rehearsal, Boss Lady & I met for lunch. She starts gossiping about all of the different artists and certain models & dancers who were groupies & went on & on about how she doesn't trust them around her man, etc. I mean she really was putting people business out there like it was nothing! The sad part about it is these people looked up to Boss Lady and confided in her. She was ur typical fake PLASTIC.
Then the convo centered on Hazel G. No one bought his name up but her!
She tells me he's engaged and about to be married soon so he isn't thinkin bout no other female..."He knows better" as she states.
Now I knew he had a girl but I didn't kno he had a fiance! Engaged!
With this piece of knowledge I sent Hazel G a text msg confronting him and let him know that I could no longer talk to him EVEN AS A FRIEND! I was literally hurt. I knew we couldn't be together but I guess somewhere dwn the line feelings started to grow on my end as well. Oh well I'll just have to erase him frm memory..shut him out completely...deny his existence
(I can be cold when I cut sum1 off)
Hazel G kept calling and texting all during dance rehearsal but I ignored him. He wanted to talk to me bt I wnt having it!
I was furious!
In my mind, that was the end of me and Hazel G....
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Customer Service Part II
Okay SO Im trying to pay my Comcast bill...for those who have had this service, yall know how ghetto and unprofessional they service reps be.
SO my bill is like sky rocket high cuz I haven't paid on it in a min. Not gon tell yall how much it was but it was over $400. (yea I kno Im terrible but shit times be rough at times!)
So the lady pulls up my account after 30 min of searching She sees the balance and says..."OOOH WOW, yea you need to pay on this ASAP!"
First off...that was way unprofessional to comment on a customer's high balance. You dont know what the fuk they may be going thru and HELLO, thats why Im calling your fat ass make a payment.
I know she was fat cuz the bitch just had one of those fat sounding voices...
(Yall know how people just sound fat? Like they got 2 cheeseburgers stuffed in dey cheeks but trying to talk at the same time. And they be breathing all hard like dey belly jiggle when they laugh & talk? Yea she had 1 of those voices...)
(Betcha this lady got a fat sounding voice 2)
Anyway so I inform her I wanted to pay the bill online but Im trying to access my account online and need my passcode reset....this bitch gon cut me off and say,
" cant be online now b/c your internet service is disconnected!"
Ummm excuse me "BITCH DID I SAY I WAS ON THE COMPUTER AT HOME?!!!" I was actually in another area using my laptop BUT why r u all in my business ANYWAY when all I asked your ass to do was to access my account so that I can pay my bill!
Then she starts small talking (to stall while she process my info) saying how she left her glasses at home so she cant see a thing on the computer which is y it was taking like 30 min just for her to find my account. She goes on & on about how her day is crazy, she hasn't eaten lunch YET and how her eyes hurt from straining to see...blah blah blah.
Bitch I dnt care! And you dont need to be working if you cnt see shit! Waistin peoples time cuz your azz blind!
Damn this bitch was just waaaaaay unprofessional!
When she said "WELLL you cant BE online...", I shoulda said...WELLL....BITCH you cant BE hungry cuz it sound like you ass has already eaten lunch, brunch, dinner and mad snacks to munch...But see I wouldve been wrong for that...
Just goes to show you cnt judge people by what you think you know!
And they call it Customer Service? HA!
After experiencing this chick I didnt feel bad at all for how I treated that last dude in my earlier post...It is what it is...
Catch ya l8tr honey bunches!
Maaaaannne F*ck Customer Service!
This is exactly how I felt yesterday!
Hey honies!
So with all the chaos of the labor day weekend I didn't have time to post my irritating experiences from the other day. But lets talk about Customer Service for a min.
Ok granted...I know if your role within your job requires any kind of customer service skills, then you have to put up with the most dumbest and aggravating shit at times according to the boss. BUT...this shit has to be to a certain degree now! I mean its not but so much our azz should have to take before we continue to be subjected to a level of disrespect!
Check this out:
So I'm stuck at work (on a SATURDAY at that) bored as hell cuz ain't nothing going on, NO CUSTOMERS, NO CALLS, NO EMAILS, nada!
So my 1st call that happens to come in as Im ready to leave for the day (know Im frustrated now) comes from this prick ass redneck sounding nucca that got on the phone already sounding irritated. He's looking for a Mercedes Benz that we have in stock, but didnt say that right off the back. All this nucca said when the call was transferred was "Yea the CLS" Thats it! He said that shit so fast that I didn't even know what the hell he was talking about! Here's a break down of the convo:
ME: "Good afternoon, Thank you for calling_____, how may I help you?"
Prick ASS: " Yea CLS" (so fast!)
ME: "I'm sorry are you looking for a particular vehicle sir?"
Prick ASS: "Yea I said CLS"
(Dude is talking so fast I thought the nigga said "yea, Celeste") like he looking for his girl or a chick name Celest, or something...So I simply ask for the year of the particular vehicle he's looking for to make sure I heard him right and so we on the same page and thats when I musta pissed him off for whateva reason. Guess dude had his ass in his shoulders that day and was already in a shitty mood but little did he know so was I that day! Shit bout to go down!
ME: "Ok, I'll be more than happy to check on the availability of the vehicle you're interested in, do you know the year of this particular model?"
Prick ASS: " The year? I mean what, you don't know your inventory? You only have 1 in stock"
(Breathe Sasha... Breathe...'Wusah'....Mane that shit aint working sorry lol)
I'm thinking:
Hold up bruh. First off how the fuk you gon tell me what we have in OUR inventory when
#1 we get vehicles that come and go on a day by day basis.
#2. Nicca you don't work here! How you know what we got?!
For all you know that vehicle could have been sold or you may have saw an older model online that is no longer available (which happens a lot at my job) You prick ass Punk bitch!
#3. We actually had 3 Mercedes Benzs that came in ...I had already found the one he was looking at too but homeboy pissed me off so I played dumb like I still didn't know just to see if dude would give me the year of the car.
Well he was not leaving w/out a fight...check out the rest...
ME: "Actually sir we have 3 models that came in that matches that particular make. Also our inventory changes daily so there is always a possibility that there may be more than 1 model of the same make listed online. That's why I asked for the year you are referring to just to verify we are speaking of the same vehicle. So again, do you happen to know the year of the vehicle please?"
Prick ASS: "Well like I said you only have 1"
ME: (nothing)B/c at this point I'm thinking, did this dude not hear a single damn word of what I just said! Damn!
Mane fuck customer service at this point. I am in a bad mood...I'm stuck at work on a Sat, bored as hell, tired, hungry and my hormones r out of whack rt now! Dude is on the verge of getting cussed out and I'm the only 1 working today 2 so plain and simple...I just don't give a fuk rt now!
ME: "Sir as I mentioned before our inventory changes daily. We re-"
Prick ASS: "But You only have 1"
"You only have 1, you only have 1..." That's all he keep saying....just shut the fuk up!!
ME: "No we actually dnt have 1, we have 3 in stock. Which is why I asked for the particular year you were referring to for verification purposes...." I was lying but like I said I just didnt care anymore.
Prick ASS: " Ok fine, Thank You."
THEN HE didn't hang up so I'm guessing he was waiting for me to respond back but Shit I'm done wit ya ass. I dnt have shit else to say to you! So what do I do?.....
I hang up in his damn face.
I mean I'm thinking: What the fuk r you still on the phone for? Our conversation is done!
I know I was wrong for that but honie at that point.,I just didn't give a damn!
Fuck cust. service! Shit we deserve respect too! It aint but so much we can take on a daily basis!
LAAAAAAAAWWWED...See its a reason people call 1st. They talk all that shit on the phone cuz dude know that mess wouldn't fly if he bought his ass in for an appointment! He wouldn't be so big and bad then. "You only have 1..."yea well nucca how bout I only have time for ABOUT 1 more phone call to take until my shift ends and I refuse to spend it on yo dumb ass...
sorry yall... Sasha had to vent for a sec...I'm good now though!
That customer couldve kissed my azz tho yall, seriously!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Stupid People
In SUBWAY, why this lady and her elderly mother was in line in front of me..They had already ordered 5 salads that the Subway person was working on. OKAY cool...but ummmm this takes like 30 mins, cause neither one of them can decide what THE HELL they want on the damn salads..Everything the lady asked do they want they say no..then 2 seconds later say Yeah go ahead and put that on there...UGGGGHHHHH!!! Make up ya damn mind...I AM ON BREAK HERE!!!!
Okay Honey, then after all this goes down my Sandwich is done and sitting at the register, but of course these 2 STUPID woman are still there trying to pay for their food cause they bought the damn store...and chips and sodas toooo...The daughter says "you pay for these and let me go get something for Dad"..and walks back to the beginning of the line and orders a sub..MIND YOU the entire time she is ordering she is talking from where she is to her Mom standing at the register asking "what to put on the sub" which ultimately confuses and slows the lady down trying to get her money out and pay cause after all she is elderly!!!!..OKAY HONEY, WHY THE HELL didn't your Mom just get the sandwich since you HAD NO CLUE what your dad wanted on it from the get go?..AND WHY THE HELL, didn't ya'll think about getting him a sandwich when you was ordering ALLLL them DAMN salads for everybody in your family and 3rd cousins too?...Ya'll are holding up the DAMN Line, I AM ON MY DAMN BREAK!!! (and I know you see my name badge on you know I'm on break)
ONE LAST issue for today this one is with SUBWAY.itself...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get people to work the register than can READ, SPEAK, and COMMUNICATE in ENGLISH!!!! This man is asking another lady every second what do I push to ring this up...then he mumbles something to you about chips and drink and puts his hand out....WHAT THE HELL?? Are you asking for money or do you want my hand in marriage.....I don't know what you just said!!!!
There goes that BITCH Karma again...
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Karma is a BITCH!
Confessions Part IV:Its Getting Hot in Here!
....Next Day:
I couldn't shake that kiss the whole way back home. I tried to refrain from getting so caught up in the moment...after all, he is a taken man. Its best if I just try to forget about him. Yea that's the best remedy for me: Erase Hazel G out of memory.
Meanwhile after another long trying week at my unfulfilled job, it was now time to yet again, hit the road for rehearsal. Rehearsal usually started promptly at 6pm and ended around 8 or 9pm. That was usually the time when Hazel G and I met up before I went back home but that cannot happen! No way!
Yea rt! I knew that my ass was in trouble as soon as Hazel G and his partners came to the rehearsal to preview the dancer's choreography.
"Damn why did he have to see me! Maybe if I hurry to my car after rehearsal, things will be ok. Maybe since we're in public he won't try to make a move at all" I thought. Well my ass thought wrong! B/C soon after I got in my car, my phone rang. Hazel G.
" Where you at ma?"
"On my way home"
"Don't go yet...I got something for me somewhere ."
"Here we go again", I thought
So I bust a U-Turn and head back to our secluded private spot. This man is making me act so out of the ordinary...Lord help me!
So Hazel G is walking looking so good in a fresh white beata..muscles shining through his chest, nice fitted denim jeans and a matching blue denim fitted cap... He sees my car and waits for me to pull up...I see him standing there with a big ass grin on his face like he just won the lotto or something.
He gets in the passenger side of my truck.
"Ok Hazel, so what is it that you wanna show me?"
He reaches in his bag and pulls out a magazine...the first issue he and his company published with pictures of him all in it. Damn he looked so fine.
Then he pulls out a notebook with a few songs he wrote about me, 1 of which he is in the process of recording with one of his artists.
"You know I wrote this song that night after we kissed. I'ma have my boy sing it and we gon do a video for it too. They all wanted to knw who inspired me for the track cuz its so detailed. Little do they know, you were my inspiration. This track is completely about you."
Damn, I thought. No this boy did not write an entire song that will be published, about me. What if his girl hears it and pays close attention to the lyrics of the song? What will she think? Well maybe she'll somehow think it relates to her...
In the midst of me thinking all these conflicting thoughts, Hazel G pulls me closer to him again, and kisses me. I am melting in his arms. I feel so weak which is what his kisses always do to me.
I then pull away and look out the window. He senses something is wrong and tells me he has something to tell me.
I ask what it is but he says he is afraid to reveal it to me. He doesn't know how to say it. I hope its not what I think it is...
"All I know is that I've been falling for you since the day I met you...since our 1st initial conversation." "You are so amazing. I can't stop thinking about you all day long, non stop u r always on my mind"
"Your touch (& w/this he brushes his hands across my chest and caresses my breasts)
"Your scent" (& w/this he kisses my neck and runs his nose and tongue up and down my shoulder blades, nape, ear lobe)
"Your taste" (& w/this he turns my face to match his and licks my lips with his tongue)
With this we both became swept into an ocean of French kisses. Our tongues danced around in each other's mouths swimming in a sea of erotic bliss. A river of ecstasy.
Damn I am soaking wet at this point. I can feel the moisture seeping through my red sweats!
Wetness beginning to Trickle dwn my leg...
Side bar:
I've always thought I had a medical problem growing into womanhood, b/c for no apparent reason, I would always stay wet.I didn't even have to be aroused. For some odd reason I would always have some form of moisture dwn there at sum point of the day. SO now when I do get turned on, that amount of moisture amplifies over 100xs!
So being aorund Hazel G was pretty much like Niagara Falls dwn there!
Anyway as we kissed, Hazel G's hands explored every inch of my body. He gently massaged my breasts (which r extra sensitive and my spot!) running his fingertips over my nipples each time making them harder and harder poking through my black tank top. Then his hands slowly move down my waist caressing the small arch in my back which he loves. Then he moves lower down over each thigh massaging them in the best fashion that is simply unexplainable.
He moves in lower...and lower...Oh no, please don't touch me there! I thought.
But he keeps on going and soon slips his hands in between my legs and thighs caressing the soft pearl every man seems to love on a woman.
"Damn girl, you soaking down there and I haven't even done anything to you yet! he laughs.
"No Hazel, we can't...we gotta stop...please" I whine. Not meaning a damn thing of what I'm saying.
Without saying anything Hazel hops into the back seat of my truck and pulls me with him. He's so damn strong!
Then he places me on his lap and continues kissing me, while I grind on him in the process. I can't help it. This man takes me to a place where all my guards come down. My hips rock back and forth feeling how hard he was and oh how BIG! OMG I did not know he was packing this much meat!
We get lost in all the touching, groping, caressing and kissing that I didn't even feel him slide my sweats my down or even hear him unzip his pants to reveal the massive bulge ready to dig in my sweet spot. It wasn't until I felt him slide my black lace thongs to the side that I jumped up!
"What r u doing Hazel, we cannot do this!"
"I know, you're right but I can't help myself. You turn me on so much and I feel so connected to you. I just gotta have you"
"Hazel we- we ca- can't," I try to mumble but its too late. He sticks his tongue back in my mouth to shut me up and grabs my little waist back down on him...all the way down on him."No we can't do this . It's not right . We gotta stop, we gotta stop, I'm thinking. But no words are able to escape my mouth. Only soft moans of pleasure and ecstasy as I feel the tip of the head of his hard ass dick make its way entering my throbbing hot wet spot. I try to get up but he thrusts himself upward sliding all the way into me while holding my arms down. Now I know I'm small but honey lemme tell you, this man filled me up completely!
I could feel him in my stomach!
Guess this is what the term pleasurable pain means...
Suddenly we see headlights approaching our direction. Oh shit, not again!
He throws me off his lap with the quickness and we both duck, crouching low in the backseat. (I'm mad he threw my lil ass like a rag doll...homeboy is quick! )
"Hazel maybe this is a sign for us to stop, we can't continue doing this. We've already gone too far as it is" I exclaim
"Girl please, after getting a good sample of you, I'm no where near done with you yet..." he says.
I gotta take a pause from my story guys,
Gorgeous is hitting me up now...
Okay so the next encounter she is all nice and stuff letting me pet on her little dog (1 of 2 dogs), and moving him out the way cause she was walking him out back..(without a leash) and I was trying to take out my trash!!
More recently she comes knocking on my door on a Sunday morning, informing me that her CaT has jumped over the fence into my yard, and asked if she can get in the back to get him..SO I said "Sure I'll go open the gate"..She comes in gets her cat and bounces...(2 dogs and a cat, yea a regular pet store)
which leads me to this post......................
YESTERDAY, I come home from work and noticed that my back gate lock was hanging, and the brick that is usually blocking the gate door was pushed back. SIMULTANEOUSLY, I noticed the chic next doors cat jumping back over the fence into her yard from my yard.. (R u thinking what I'm thinking?)
OKAY HONEY, so none of the stuff in my backyard was taken, to include my daughters bike, or our grill...OBVIOUSLY whomever (clearing my throat) broke in was just coming to get what they needed...(clearing my throat again).
SOOOOO I called the rental office and reported her cat jumpin in my yard, and I called the police and filed a report. I don't think the chic is even paying a pet deposit, so I hope the rental office digs into dat ass...I even went to Lowe's and got me 2 more locks for my gate..I liked to see whomever (clearing my throat) come try to get back in my fence now.....And if I see my Neighbor in the parking lot, I got some approaching of my own to do to her!!!!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Confessions Part III (The Kiss)
Evening Honey bunches!
I’m going to dive right back into the rest of my tale for you all. I know how you hate waiting for a story to reach its core purpose so here goes…
So Hazel G and I were spotted talking in the dark…it was a very awkward encounter…almost reminded us of a drive by…the car shines its light in our direction, then slowly creeps up past us, stops rt in front of us then circles back around and drives away. No one said anything but we both knew our director saw us and she didn’t seem too happy about it.
So anyway for now we just left the situation alone. I went back to my hometown until the next rehearsal. See every weekend I drove about 2 hours to the city where the show would be held in order to rehearse with the other dancers. It was about 3am in the morning as I drove back home and I didn’t even expect HazelG to call me afterwards. After all he was popular, gorgeous and successful…mad women stayed throwin their goodies in his direction. What r the chances he would take the time out to give a no-name like me the time of day? Well to my surprise, only moments after I reached the interstate heading home, my phone rang…it was Hazel G calln to check up on me to make sure I made it home safely. How sweet. In fact literally every day after our first meeting, Hazel G would call and text me and we’d laugh and chat for hours on end until it was time for both of us to get to work.
Even while he was out clubbing doing promotional tours with artists like Twista, Bryan Bizz, Governor, Michelle Williams, etc he would still text me and call me just to hear my voice or to see what I was up to. We really became CLOSE.
The next week it ws time for my reg weekend rehearsal so I made my usual 2 hr trip to his htown to practice. After a long tiresome dance rehearsal, Hazel G asked me to meet him somewhere before I went back home. We had to be discreet so I found a nice quiet isolated spot to meet with him. He pulls up and proceeds to get in my car. He tells me how excited he was to see me and we begin to delve into another deep convo. Then the convo got sexy. We spoke about our fantasies. He revealed how attracted he was to me and how his feelings for me constantly grew stronger each day ... I was afraid to look at him while he spoke b/c those gorgeous eyes would captivate me.
Then it happened…He leaned closer to me, lightly grabbed my cheek turning my face towards his…leaned in, and kissed me.
It was the most passionate, deep, sensual kiss I’ve ever experienced. His long, thick, rough tongue flicked up and down the middle of my tongue gently massaging it with light circular motions. He literally was stroking my tongue with his. He grabbed my waist pulling me closer into the kiss, breathing heavily. My boobs were pressed against his hard chest. I mean I could literally feel our heart beats synchronize. His tongue then licked up and down the outside of my lips tasting and teasing…the tip of his tongue flickering as he licked my upper and bottom lip and sucked them in and out.
“Mmmmm….you taste like bubble gum” he said. “So tasty”
(thanks to my trusty flavored lip gloss I was wearing…luv that stuff lol) I was so hypnotized and so into the moment that I did something I normally would not do…
I leaned back over him, cupped his face in my little hands and kissed him back! I mean REALLY kissed him. Licking him lightly from his shoulder blades kissing the tips of his shoulders and lining my tongue all the way up to his neck suckling ever so gently. He moaned with delight as I did this. My kisses then traveled to the nape of his neck on up to his ear lobe gently biting it…then I stuck my tongue rt in his ear canal swirling it around and around in light circle motions! This must have driven him wild b/c with this gesture he actually moaned out my name! More than once! He said no one had EVER done that to him before EVER!
“OMG, damn girl! That shit felt so good it sent chills up my spine when you did that girl!” he stated.
Now ladies if you have never tried kissing or licking this spot on your man, let me tell you, it seems to drive them wild! Make sure he’s clean though…you cnt do this w/just any old body tasting a mouth full of ear wax…yuck! Oh no honey, BUT if your man is as luscious as how I feel about Hazel G, then he is a good candidate to try this on.
Anyway, I broke our kiss and snapped back into reality not believing what we just did. Even though we only kissed, I know it wasn’t right b/c he has a girlfriend. I told him I had to go…I was so confused. He didn’t want me to leave and apologized for making the first move on me, but what he didn’t know is that I actually wanted him to kiss fact I wanted him to do a lot more to me that night…